Function to import TSRs from various sources.
tsr_import(experiment, sample_sheet = NULL, file_type = "auto", delim = "\t")
experiment | TSRexploreR object. |
sample_sheet | A sample sheet data.frame or tab delimited file. Must have the columns 'sample_name', 'file_1', and 'file_2'. Additional meta-data columns can be added with sample information such as condition and batch. |
file_type | Either 'auto', 'table', or 'bed'. |
delim | Delimiter for tabular input. |
TSRexploreR object with added TSRs.
TSRexploreR can import TSRs from various sources. Currently, these are BED files, delimited tables, and TSRchitect tssObjects.
To import TSRs from files, a sample sheet must first be created. The sample sheet can be a data.frame or tabular file. It should have three columns: sample_name, file_1, and file_2. sample_name specifies the sample name that will be added for that TSR in the TSRexploreR object. file_1 should be the path to the file, and file_2 can be left blank or filled with NA values.
To import TSRs directly from a TSRchitect tssObject, the TSRchitect workflow must first be run up to the 'determineTSR' step.
to import TSSs.
to export TSSs.
to export TSRs.
if (FALSE) { data(TSSs_reduced) # Export BED as example data. exp <- TSSs_reduced %>% tsr_explorer %>% format_counts(data_type="tss") %>% tss_clustering(threshold=3) tsr_export(exp) # Import the previously created BED. samples <- data.frame( sample_name="S288C_D_1", file_1="S288C_D_1.bed", file_2=NA ) tsr <- tsr_explorer(sample_sheet=samples) tsr <- tsr_import(tsr) }