Function to hold common parameters.
common_params( experiment, genome_assembly, genome_annotation, sample_sheet, threshold, samples, use_normalized, ncol, log2fc_cutoff, fdr_cutoff, dominant, exclude_antisense, data_conditions, rasterize, raster_dpi, return_table )
experiment | TSRexploreR object. |
genome_assembly | Genome assembly in FASTA or BSgenome format. |
genome_annotation | Genome annotation in GTF, GFF3, or TxDb format. |
sample_sheet | A sample sheet data.frame or tab delimited file. Must have the columns 'sample_name', 'file_1', and 'file_2'. Additional meta-data columns can be added with sample information such as condition and batch. |
threshold | TSSs or TSRs with a score below this value will not be considered. |
samples | A vector of sample names to analyze. |
use_normalized | Whether to use the normalized (TRUE) or raw (FALSE) counts. |
ncol | Integer specifying the number of columns to arrange multiple plots. |
log2fc_cutoff | Differential features not meeting this |log2(fold change)| threshold will not be considered. |
fdr_cutoff | Differential features not meeting this significance threshold will not be considered. |
dominant | If TRUE, will only consider the highest-scoring TSS per gene, transcript, or TSR or highest-scoring TSR per gene or transcript. |
exclude_antisense | Remove antisense TSSs/TSRs prior to analysis. |
data_conditions | Apply advanced conditions to the data. |
rasterize | Rasterize a ggplot. |
raster_dpi | If rasterization is set, this controls the rasterization DPI. |
return_table | Return a table of results instead of a plot. |